Saturday, February 09, 2019

Day 496 "Minestrone" ink & watercolor

I spent this morning with a friend from our church making soup in the church kitchen.  We made a giant pot of minestrone, which we will serve as part of tomorrow's after-service potluck lunch.  It was a nice morning of conversation and the sound of chopping; tomatoes, onions, garlic, celery, cabbage and parsley... all landing in a pot with white beans, water and chicken stock.  We'll see how it fares over night, as we heat it tomorrow morning to be ready for a potluck.  Our church picks up almost expired flowers and baked goods from the local Trader Joe's on Saturday mornings.  Trader Joe's is clearing the shelves for newer products, most of these have a sell by date of today, or a couple of days from now.  Our church congregation leaves with flowers and baked goods for themselves, or to share with a friend.  Today, we had a surplus.  We have a shelter in town, with mission  of transitioning people and families from homelessness.  I called them and dropped off a big box of baked goods, which I will try to make a regular weekend visit. 
This is my four hundred  ninety-sixth daily drawing.  Thank you for looking.  You know I  love your comments, too.

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