The December challenge for Girls Just Wanna Paint was "intentions". December is a tricky time to think about intentions. Busy. Busy. I choose to think about being more intentional, choosing my path rather than reacting to what is on my plate. One of my goals during this coming year is to spend more time in the city. I love the streets, people, constantly shifting view as the juxstaposition of buildings and light is constantly rearranging itself. The city is so stimulating. I love it. My husband, daughter and I spent New Year's Eve afternoon, and evening in Boston, walking across the city, dining, watching the wonderful and eclectic parade and then fireworks. We positioned ourselves on Boylston Street across from the Trinity Church where we could see all the festivities. I loved every minute despite the cold. So, my intention is to treat myself to the stimulation of the city more frequently... sort of a gift to me! "Downtown Dusk" is my intention on canvas.
I often look at my paintings in black and white to see if the light and shadow pattern holds. It's a good way to pick up any value shifts that are breaking the pattern. I'm pretty satisfied with the results here, but may make a change or two in the coming days.
See the other interpretations of last month's challenge here.
Thanks for looking, Happy New Year, and see you in the city.