Boston in 100 Words is an annual flash fiction event inviting local authors of all ages to submit essays of 100 words or less depicting life in their communities. I follow them on Instagram, so "raised my hand" when I saw a call for illustrators for the year's winning essays. I love Boston, paint frequently in the city, and was interested in the challenge. I was assigned an essay, and given a 7-day deadline. Exciting! Turns out my essay was about East Boston... about which I knew very little. So, a research trip, some design sketches, and off we went.
I loved the puzzle of putting together an illustration that did this lovely essay justice. What a fascinating place is East Boston (and how remiss have I been to just begin discovering it). We found the Madonna, Queen of the Universe Shrine, pictured in the distance in my illustration. Fascinating! There are four floors built into the hillside including an underground chapel, and grotto.
Here is the text of the winning essay, and some always, thanks for looking. You know I love your comments.
Across the River
I was born across the river, but I’m an Eastie kid through
and through. Walking down the streets, you can hear folks from all over
speaking languages ranging from Spanish to Vietnamese, and the older
crowd chatting from their balconies in Italian. The aroma of arroz con
pollo as you walk through town is enough to die, or rather, to live for.
The rich sense of community everywhere—whether it’s a smile from
someone you’ve never met, waving at someone from church, or spotting a
primo de un primo who you haven’t seen in years—makes you feel warm and
safe inside.
Banner at Grove Hall Library
Turns out my essay was written by a 12 year old young woman! I was so surprised. The language is beautiful and its rhythm sophisticated.
Boston in 100 Words held an award ceremony at the Boston Public Library. I was invited as one of the thirteen illustrators and anyone who wrote an essay was invited. The thirteen banners were hung backwards, and the winning essays revealed one at a time. It was a thrill for all those writers attending. There was even a class of 4th graders present! Boston in 100 words is asking for submissions for this year's contest. Maybe you will participate.
Madonna, Queen of the Universe Shrine - 35' tall!
At the BPL Award Ceremony
Some process Photos, in random order.