Every day, weather permitting, the Balmy Days II ferry from Boothbay Harbor offers a 30 minute tour around the Island here. It remains one of the best ways to spend $4 that I know, I cruise the Island's circumference this way several times each week we are here. It's a nice demarcation in the day, and a way to connect with my family and friends. We now have a short hand, "2 o'clock?", which translates to "Would you like to organize your day, as I'll organize mine, and meet at the dock at 1:45 to ride around the Island with me?"
This post isn't about the tour, it's about after the tour earlier this week. We dispersed after the ride, and I headed to Swim Beach with my sketchbook. Artist friend, Kevin Beers, was hanging out in the rocks, painting Manana, and I settled in for a few minutes, which turned in to two hours of painting side by side, and chatting about Monhegan, life on the island, life off the island... it was a splendid afternoon. Not sure how long he'd been there when I arrived, nor how long he stayed after I departed, but at about 4 PM he swapped paintings and began working on his "4 PM painting". The shadows descend down Manana as the afternoon progresses so working a couple of paintings during an afternoon as the light to shadow ratio changes is a great plan.
When my mother painted for a few weeks each summer in New Harbor, Maine, she routinely had several paintings in progress and chose her day's destinations according to the weather, and the angle of the sun: 2 PM on the Sheepscot River if sunny, else Kresge Rocks, 8 AM in Christmas Cove if sunny... and so on.
Oh, and here are a couple of photos of a flock of cedar waxwings congregating in the tree off our deck last year.... just because.
Thanks for looking. As always, your comments are welcome.
Awesome Jody!