Sunday, December 31, 2017

Day 90 "Desktop" - drawing with turpentine 8 x 16 oil

On Day 88 I drew precious objects on my desktop, actually, my grandmother's desk that I inherited from my mother.  Tonight I began a painting of the same objects by drawing with turpentine. I laid a neutral ground on the board as a wash which included ultramarine, alizarin, cadmium red light and viridian.  I leaned it a little more ultramarine to the left where the window is and a little warmer away from the window.  I aimed for a value about 3.5 on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 the darkest.  I wiped the wash in, then used a clean brush with solvent to wipe away only the areas in light.  By making accurate marks, the composition is showing without the application of any paint beyond the initial wash, and the values are already in place.  (The green on the board is from a prior exercise, so try to ignore... I will eventually cover up.) In any places where I was too exuberant with the turps, I could use another brush to add the neutral wash back in.  
Day 88 - "Desktop"

You can see the completed painting as of January 1, 2018 on our Girls Just Wanna Paint blog along with our group's other interpretations of December's theme, "luxury".  
This is Day 90 of my daily drawing endeavors!  Thank you for looking and for your thoughtful comments.

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