Thursday, July 31, 2014

Monhegan Sketchbook July 31 - Long and Short views and Fred Astaire

Here are a few more sketches from my book this week.  We've had some interesting weather, crystal clear days, some big fog pressing against the screens trying to find its way in, more fog that hangs in the harbor only while the sky above and beyond is blue.  As always, it's a joy to be here.  The tall sketch is the long view from the house we call ours for the week.  We can see out beyond Manana to the mainland 12 miles away (many days, but not this one).  Then I have the view over our friends Arline and Moe's house.  We had dinner with them last night.  What a hoot! They are fascinating, and have that way of making their guests feel fascinating, too.  And, they are huge Fred Astaire fans, a passion we share.

Then I have a short view of Bill Cameron's memorial spot over looking the harbor from Horn Hill, and a couple of hikers awaiting the ferry back to Booth Bay Harbor.  I love people watching on the island, and with a sketchbook in hand, you can ostensibly don your invisibility cloak (thank you, Harry Potter, and Happy Birthday today), and just watch and record.  What a blast!

In honor of Arline and Moe, here's a link to Fred Astaire's "Drum Crazy" from the movie Easter Parade.  If you have never seen it, it's 4 minutes of sheer joy.  If you have seen it, it's 4 minutes of sheer joy relived.

Thanks for looking, and as always, I love your comments.

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