Sunday, May 24, 2020

Urban Sketches - Present and Past

 During this time of quarantine, I am reminiscing about the joy of sitting in the city, drawing people as they come and go, with the backdrop of buildings, carving out their shapes against the sky.  The city is fascinating to me.  Often, while looking up at the profile of a building against the sky, I find a carved piece of moulding, a corbel, a detail, in place for a century or more.  I revere these artists gone by who put details in place only to be seen by the few who happen to look in that direction, or who are replicating a contour with pen on paper.  This is joy.
Many of these drawings are now on my website under the "sketchbook" category.  I am donating a portion of each sale to the Elizabeth Peabody House in Somerville, a 125-year old community organization serving via its food pantry and pre-school.  

 As always, I thank you for looking.  You know I love your comments.  Stay well, and be kind. 

"Room with a View" Old Town Portland


  1. Your sketches amaze and delight. It is fun to see these together. Thanks for the smile I have on my face.

  2. Thanks, Jo. So glad you are enjoying my work. I appreciate your attention, and of course, your comments.

  3. these are all so fabulous. I'm in awe.

  4. Thanks, Mary. I need to get back into the city for some drawing time... I love it so.
