Painting You Painting Me - watercolor 9 x 12
A few weeks ago, one of the art teachers at school sent out an e-mail asking for any interest in tempera paint pans that her kindergarteners couldn't use anymore because the white was gone. Woot! I was thrilled to have them for the art class I teach a couple of times each week. We don't need white, and are using the paints as transparent watercolor. In fact, the lids of the paint pans are great mixing trays. My students are always dismayed when I tell them they can't use black. "What will we do?" We had a great conversation about the color wheel, and whether you want to make a blue black, yellow black, etc. We're getting there, and I'm always interested to see what they see.
"Painting You Painting Me" is a little study I did across the table from one of my girls as she concentrated on the objects in front of her. Fun!
"Painting You Painting Me" is quite a beautiful study, Jody. Free, inventive and beautifully composed- with great color.